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Posted by My Sport | Posted on 1:43 AM

Why WakeSurfing Is Exploding The Utah Boat Rental Market

Wakesurfing is a newer water sport to Utah. Riding the wake of a skiboat is mixing surfing with water skiing with a touch of snow boarding. This newer sport is producing the Utah wakeboard boat rental turn out to be very busy.

You will find now boats designed and sold just for the goal of wakesurfing (aka wakeboarding). It's the newest trend in Utah watersports. It is far more enjoyable than tubing and just standard water skiing because we can do tricks including a Backside spin (rotating our back towards the boat), Butterslide (turning the board 90 degrees to grind the wake) and Surf Carving (the rider cuts back and forth in a surfcarving position).

The greatest benefits of this newer sport will be the ability to change so many options. We are able to use a towrope and wakeboard, use a surf board and ride the wave (wake) with no towrope, or use a surfboard or the many types of wakeboards.

Finding a wakesurfing boat rental in Utah has grow to be tougher. There are many skiboats, but most aren't developed to create the massive wake desired for wakeboarding. Whether or not you appreciate Lake Powell, Lake Havasu, or locally at Deer Creek, Utah Lake , Strawberry Reservoir or Bear Lake, you will find very handful of wakesurf boats to rent. Ben Bean, owner of

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